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Endodontic symptoms and endodontic treatment. Pulpitis - inflamed dental pulp. UFO dental center. 

What does endodontics consist of, symptoms and endodontic treatment, pulpitis

Endodontics is the medical science, in the field of Dentistry that deals with the pulp of the tooth, the care of the dental thin tissue and  of root canal therapies.

In our clinic at UFO Dental Clinic we pay particular attention to this very important area.

The pulp located in the canal of the tooth is treated , while the canal is at the base of each tooth. The dental pulp is an intertwining of nerve fibers whose task is to respond to cold and hot stimuli.

Due to the penetration of dental caries into the tooth structure, the infection of the dental pulp with the bacteria that causes caries occurs. After a while the pain becomes stronger.

Endodontics deals with the internal tissues of the tooth, the pathologies and related treatments. When these tissues or the tissues surrounding the tooth root become ill or damaged due to caries or trauma, endodontic treatment saves the tooth.

Endodontics in UFO Dental Clinic

Inflamed pulp - Pulpitis - A dental disease characterized by inflammation of the dental pulp

The dental pulp, sometimes called endodontium, is a soft tissue that includes arterioles, venules, nerve, and particular cells called odontoblasts, capable of producing dentin, one of the hard tissues that make up the tooth.

Pulpitis, sometimes called endodontium , is one of the most common and frequent causes of toothache, often appearing as a result of tooth decay. The dental pulp is a soft tissue that includes arterioles, venules, nerve, and particular cells called odontoblasts, capable of producing dentin, one of the hard tissues that make up the tooth. Two of the most common causes of pulpitis are the presence of caries and that of neglected periodontal diseases, such as periodontitis , both of which can be traced back to poor oral hygiene.

It occurs when the enamel and dentin , the protective layers of the teeth, are compromised, thus leaving the dental pulp exposed to the action of bacteria . Sudden tooth pain and tooth sensitivity can be the first symptoms of pulpitis,

The symptomatology of pulpitis goes unnoticed for a long time before showing itself in all its painful evidence. Albania Dent advises to undergo periodic checks at UFO Dental Clinic in Tirana in order to be able to intervene promptly.

Pulpitis can manifest itself in two different forms; Reversible and irreversible dental pulpitis and its symptoms can range from a slight tooth sensitivity to a sharp and incessant pain according to the depth of the lesion and the level of inflammation.

Reversible dental pulpitis is a slight inflammation that is rather contained and the lesion is usually localized superficial of the dental pulp whose main symptoms are dental pain and sensitivity felt in response to a stimulus. The pain ceases as soon as the stimulus is stopped.

Irreversible dental pulpitis , on the other hand, occurs when the inflammation worsens and becomes important, accompanied by a degenerative process that progressively evolves into necrosis of the dental pulp. Its main symptoms are sharp, continuous and throbbing pain, swelling and the possible presence of pus. The pain persists even after the stimulus has been stopped. In this case, our body can face complications such as dental abscesses, granulomas and cysts.  

Pulpitis, inflammation of the dental pulp

Endodontic treatment - UFO Dental Clinic dental center

To better understand endodontic treatment it is useful to first explain the anatomy of our teeth.

Inside the tooth, under the dentin, there is a soft tissue called the dental pulp which contains blood vessels, connective tissue, nerve tissue and extends from the crown to the tip of the roots, where it connects with the bone.

When the tissues surrounding the dental root become ill or damaged due to caries or trauma, the endodontic treatment carried out by the experts of our AlbaniDent dental clinic in Albania saves the tooth.

Endodontic treatment , also called root canal treatment or devitalization , is done when the pulp of the tooth becomes inflamed for various causes, usually due to infection by the bacteria that are present in our mouth.

Bacteria cause inflammation , go through the apex of the root  reach the bone, causing infection.

Endodontic surgery consists in removing the pulp of the tooth and replacing it with a permanent filling in gutta-percha and root canal cement, after adequate cleaning and shaping of the root canals. In this way the tooth will be recovered, even if it will lose its sensitivity to heat or cold since the pulp is the part dedicated to this and, by removing it, the sensitivity of the tooth is also removed.

Endodontic treatment - UFO Dental Clinic dental center

With the endodontic treatment done in the dental center of  Albania Dent can also be performed without anesthesia, but this depends on the patient and the state of the tooth to be treated.  and after an adequate reconstruction of the crown, the tooth will no longer be an infectious reservoir and can continue to perform the same functions as an intact tooth. The operation takes little time, thanks to our many years of experience   doctors and the use of modern equipment.

Endodontic therapy done in the UFO Dental Clinic , accurate and precise performed with adequate and modern devices and  has a very high probability of success. Endodontic treatment is now fast also for molars, thanks to the new techniques and modern equipment available at our dental center of Albania Dent in Tirana. Rotary instruments in nickel-titanium have made an essential contribution to the development of modern endodontics, and guarantee: thorough endodontic cleaning, excellent root canal preparation, minimal invasiveness and maximum efficiency. The use of the laser in endodontics allows a very effective antibacterial action, as it multiplies the disinfectant action of sodium hypochlorite

How an endodontic treatment takes place in UFO Dental Clinic. What are the operational phases 

The operative phases of the endodontic treatment 1
The operative phases of the endodontic treatment 2
  • First of all, local anesthesia is administered to neutralize the pain even in cases with still sensitive pulp, to prevent the patient from experiencing pain.

  • Provisional reconstruction  of the dental crown when this is very destroyed, in order to eliminate all the caries without giving up the walls of the tooth cavity (containment of disinfectant liquids and attachment of the insulating rubber sheet)

  • Isolation of the operating field by means of a rubber dam (essential means for a successful root canal treatment) consisting of a rubber latex sheet stretched by a bow and held in place by a hook placed around the tooth to be treated or a nearby tooth

  • Opening of the pulp chamber access to the pulp through a cavity prepared from the chewing side of the tooth

  • Finding of root canals with the aid of optical enlargements

  • Measurement of the length of each canal present from a reference on the crown to the root apex by means of an X-ray and an electronic apex locator (the dose of radiation absorbed in the execution of a dental X-ray is minimal)

  • Instrumentation of the canals using endodontic instruments that remove the root canal pulp, contaminated by bacteria and infected substances, creating at the same time a shape of the walls suitable for a complete obturation

  • Washing with sodium hypochlorite , a powerful disinfectant, to obtain an environment that is as clean and aseptic as possible

  • Root canal filling using gutta-percha, a plastic material that can be molded with heat, associated with a root canal cement

  • Reconstruction of the dental crown

  • Radiographic control of the end of the treatment

  • Possible fixed dental prosthesis crown or bridge

During endodontic treatment the pain is under control thanks to local anesthesia, a soreness, which can be subjectively more or less annoying, can be present after the therapy, but is easily controlled with a common analgesic.

Rarely, in particularly infected roots , an abscess with pain and swelling can develop due to the passage of bacteria into the bone surrounding the roots. The onset of these complications does not necessarily affect the success of the ongoing treatment.

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